Monday 2 March 2009



Day by day, I watch the coming and going of life in every form.
I am predetermined to observe the sights of everything that passes me by.
And with such influence, I relate, my current affairs to that which I see.
I see liars and cheats, facades and faux charisma.
Wishes unfulfilled, thus forgotten through ignorance.
Naivety glamorised as an acceptable frame of mind.
And the unwillingness to explore further than a zone that realistically, could not ever be referred to as comforting.
Then I see you, one among the millions, one who through so many, shines with a light so vivid it turns all other surroundings to the pits of darkness.
Such an attractive light, but so unclear it is as to why.
As appearances are so evidently deceiving, so might I say, is the human mind.
And I have spent so many hours on end, attempting to devise an explanation that regards why the image of you is more consistent in my mind than perhaps even the primitive instincts to sleep and eat.
I have thus far achieved not a single answer. And by the rules of both optimism and pessimism, I feel such might be the case for eternity.

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