Tuesday 26 August 2008


It was at this exact point, that I could see the crossover.
The trio that is the past present and future, gathered collectively around me.
Face to face with the answer to it all, and perhaps even a cure for all misery's.
Or just the singular misery that is and has been 'Life'
Not the life we should embrace and rejoice for and of,
But the life that we know as 'Real'.
For, the life that we philosophise over and about, is that of natural beauty,
Primitive emotions and the outstanding process that we know to be evolution.
Though when thrown into the melting pot of ingredients for the 'Grand Scheme'
It resembles merely the pinch of salt, to flavour.
No, 'Life' in reality, is a bitter, bitter existence, the salt in this instance, is weighed in grams
not pinches, and there is not a sweetener to be seen.
So here I stand, at the crossover.
With my body still intact, and my mind as powerful as ever.
I take my last breath, feel my last beat and hear my last note, before I lay my hand upon this handle
and take my last step, into the new darkness that awaits me.

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